Can you imagine what more than four feet of rain within days would do to your neighborhood and house? Unfortunately, people in Texas and Louisiana have actually experienced this. The result is unimaginable destruction. Our fellow citizens need our help.
Real Property Management Franchise Support has set up a matching donation program with our immediate staff to provide financial support to the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund set up by the American Red Cross. All donations made by our staff will be doubled. We have also suggested that every Real Property Management office consider a similar program for their staff, too.
Together, we can all make a difference that truly improves the lives of those affected by the disaster.
About the American Red Cross Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund
The American Red Cross is using donor dollars right now to provide shelter, food, comfort and emergency support for individuals and families affected by Harvey. And our work is just beginning—we will use financial donations to help people recover and get back on their feet in the challenging weeks and months ahead. Please see the following link for more information: American Red Cross Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund