You get lots of tips and advice when you’re searching for the perfect business opportunity, but what about after you’ve signed the franchise agreement? When sitting down to think about the tips we’d offer new franchisees launching their Mosquito Joe business, we went to one of our veteran Joes. Erica Burdine of Mosquito Joe of Western Wake in North Carolina was one of our very first franchisees to join the MoJo family in 2013. She is currently in her fourth season and came to mind when we wanted the advice of a well-versed Joe. We asked her what she wish she new before launching Mosquito Joe, and here are her expert tips.
Five Tips to Read Before Launching
From Erica Burdine, Mosquito Joe Franchisee
- STUDY… Learn as much as possible about mosquitoes, ticks, fleas etc., AND about the products you use. The customer is always impressed if you know your stuff.
- Do your homework regarding competitors. You may think there are only one or two competitors in your area, but often times there are more. So be prepared.
- You will work harder than you ever have. This job is more intense and demanding than I ever realized it would be. It’s important to mentally prepare yourself to eat, breathe and sleep MoJo during the season. The perk? You get a few months off, and I love that about the business.
- I never realized how much I would follow the weather!! Get a good weather app on your computer and phone.
- Lastly, being in business will stretch you and pull you out of your comfort zone. I never realized how much I would learn. I have overcome some fears and learned the art of compromising to bring balance between Mosquito Joe and the rest of my life.
We know there’s a lot to consider as you launch your business. It’s important to remember that buying into a franchise system gives you the benefit of not having to “reinvent the wheel.” The systems and marketing materials in place make Mosquito Joe turn key, and the support of the corporate team is unmatched. This business gives you a great franchise opportunity in a fast-growing industry, providing a service that benefits your community while making you feel good about your business. And just like Erica mentioned, it comes with flexibility for the off-season.
Thanks, Erica for your expertise and contributing to the blog this week. Keep reading each week for trips and tricks to guide you through franchising and the Mosquito Joe business opportunity.