A Neighborly®, executive—Brandon Haire—attributes his success to ‘feeding my mind first.’ His follow-up activities inspire a positive attitude and fruitful work.
Brandon Haire is all about routines.
From the moment he awakens—and makes his bed—Haire’s life is almost a methodical dance that helps motivate himself and others.
For the past several years, Haire has stuck to the same daily activities and seeing amazing results both professionally and personally. “I’m an extremely driven person,” says Haire, senior vice president of franchise development for Dwyer Group’s 14 brands.
His routine affirms that small commitments can make a huge difference:
- Start with “a win.” Haire says a 2014 commencement address by Adm. William McRaven has played a significant part in his morning routine. McRaven—whose video remarks went viral—says his training as a Navy SEAL required that he make his bed to perfection. “If you make your bed first thing in the morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and encourage you to do another, and another.” Haire also stretches each morning but saves tae kwon do and walking for later in the day.
- Ban electronics in the morning and at night. Haire refrains from checking email and phone messages and watching television for the first 50 minutes of each day. Reading email, Haire says, “can wreck your morning.” At bedtime, it’s the same rule: no electronics. “I stay away from anything that will keep me awake or keep me from a good night’s rest.” The married father of three young sons adds that if he can sleep eight hours a night, “I feel refreshed mentally and physically.”
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- Review goals daily. Like many who enjoy professional and personal development, Haire cites Stephen R. Covey’s book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” as instrumental in developing discipline. He reviews his goals each morning and gets started right away. “I like to knock stuff out. Do it now, or it becomes a monster,” he says. Haire’s ability to separate “the important from the urgent” structures his to-do list.
- Break down the day. As the day unfolds, Haire chunks his time into 50-minute blocks. “I follow Brendon Burchard’s 5x50 model for high performers.” Burchard suggests breaking each day into five 50-minute blocks of time to increase productivity. One activity Haire enjoys daily is his personal “share a smile” initiative. There are 65 people working in Haire’s building in Waco, Texas. “I share a smile every day with someone down the hall or walking past me,” he says. Taking a moment to have a human connection and look someone in the eye is the most important work he can do, he says. “It can set the day on the right trajectory for everyone.”
- Read—or listen—to books. Haire’s drive to work may only be 15 minutes, yet he listens to two audiobooks a month during his short commute. In addition to Covey’s works, Haire says, he enjoys books by Jim Rohn and others who have written extensively about leadership. Haire also listens to spiritual books. “From a faith standpoint, every success comes from my faith. It’s part of my routine.”
Which of these practices might you adopt for your daily routines? Please share in the comments section below.