Robin McKenna headshot

Robin McKenna

Window Genie Owner Since 2013

  • Type of financing used:
  • Retirement account loan
  • What are your business strengths?
  • Prospecting, sales and marketing, organization, and leadership
  • Describe your work style:
  • Driven to win; Inspire and energize my team; Understanding all of the options and then acting
  • What are the top factors that enhance your business success?
  • Recruiting, training and developing staff, support, technology, and marketing

Robin McKenna

When Robin McKenna lost her corporate job in 2013, she decided to take charge of her professional and financial future by launching her own business. With a loan from her retirement account, she opened Window Genie® of Princeton in New Jersey — and became the first female-only owner of a Window Genie® franchise.

Over the years, Robin has been steadily growing her business, taking on numerous roles that range from office management to business development. Her goal today: To continue growing the business so she and her family have more time for fun and relaxation.

Robin McKenna

Window Genie Owner Since 2013

  • Type of financing used:
  • Retirement account loan
  • What are your business strengths?
  • Prospecting, sales and marketing, organization, and leadership
  • Describe your work style:
  • Driven to win; Inspire and energize my team; Understanding all of the options and then acting
  • What are the top factors that enhance your business success?
  • Recruiting, training and developing staff, support, technology, and marketing

 I work really hard to be the best person and have my service professionals be the best people they can be.

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