Garrett Daly

Garrett Daly

HouseMaster Owner Since 2017

  • How did you get into franchise ownership:
  • I was employed by an existing franchise owner and opened my own location.
  • Why franchise?
  • I wanted control over building a business and to open my own location, in order to employ members of the community.
  • Where would you be today if not for Neighborly?
  • I probably would have opened a bar/restaurant.
  • As a franchise owner, how do you give back?
  • I enjoy discussing the wonderful opportunities about being a franchise owner with others who are considering it.
  • How have you benefited from being a part of Neighborly?
  • Neighborly has supported me at every turn. I could not have won the Franchisee of the Year award without them.
  • Why did you choose HouseMaster?
  • The branding. It makes people feel more comfortable with a larger support group.
  • What is your favorite hobby?
  • Going on the boat at the lake and also coaching my son's baseball team.

Garrett’s Story

Garrett Daly worked in the restaurant business before becoming a franchise owner of HouseMaster® in 2017. He learned about the home inspection business from another franchise owner and is now an industry leader in North Carolina. Garrett appreciates the support from the community and mentors who have helped him grow his local business. Garrett and his wife, Crystal, manage the daily operations of their locally owned and operated HouseMaster in North Carolina. From customer service to marketing and beyond, they are the face of their business.

Garrett says being a franchise owner is about far more than buying a business. He feels as if he joined an encouraging extended family who’s invested in his success. The camaraderie he feels with other franchise owners and the Neighborly® support team are among the many reasons for his success.

Garrett Daly

HouseMaster Owner Since 2017

  • How did you get into franchise ownership:
  • I was employed by an existing franchise owner and opened my own location.
  • Why franchise?
  • I wanted control over building a business and to open my own location, in order to employ members of the community.
  • Where would you be today if not for Neighborly?
  • I probably would have opened a bar/restaurant.
  • As a franchise owner, how do you give back?
  • I enjoy discussing the wonderful opportunities about being a franchise owner with others who are considering it.
  • How have you benefited from being a part of Neighborly?
  • Neighborly has supported me at every turn. I could not have won the Franchisee of the Year award without them.
  • Why did you choose HouseMaster?
  • The branding. It makes people feel more comfortable with a larger support group.
  • What is your favorite hobby?
  • Going on the boat at the lake and also coaching my son's baseball team.
Stick with the system that HouseMaster and Neighborly provides for success. It works!