Jesse & Allyson Campbell Headshot

Jesse Campbell

Aire Serv Owner Since 2019

  • Year opened:
  • 2019
  • What were you doing before?
  • Professional jockey
  • Most rewarding part of the job:
  • Finding help and growing the business
  • Best piece of advice you’ve ever received:
  • Answer the phone.
  • Advice for aspiring franchise owners:
  • Be prepared to work hard—which includes finding the best employees.
  • Must-read business book:
  • Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace, by John Maxwell
  • Least favorite chore:
  • Washing dishes

Jesse’s Story

When Jesse Campbell retired from his first career, he wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to do with all his newfound free time. But when his brother told him about franchise opportunities with Neighborly®, Jesse realized he was ready to get back on the horse. At least a different kind.

After retiring as a professional jockey, Jesse launched started Aire Serv® of Palatine, Illinois. He said he initially knew very little about the industry, but quickly found that his fellow entrepreneurs had his back. “They were always there to help with ALL my green questions,” he said. “We meet three to four times a year [to discuss ways] to help our Aire Serv businesses grow. We’re always texting and asking each other questions.”

The camaraderie, support, and opportunity to work in a territory that allowed him to capitalize on the local talent pool and business growth potential were all reasons why Jesse knows he made the right next-career decision.

Outside of work, Jessie, wife Allyson, and daughter Maddy hang out with their three horses and dog.

Jesse Campbell

Aire Serv Owner Since 2019

  • Year opened:
  • 2019
  • What were you doing before?
  • Professional jockey
  • Most rewarding part of the job:
  • Finding help and growing the business
  • Best piece of advice you’ve ever received:
  • Answer the phone.
  • Advice for aspiring franchise owners:
  • Be prepared to work hard—which includes finding the best employees.
  • Must-read business book:
  • Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace, by John Maxwell
  • Least favorite chore:
  • Washing dishes
Don’t be afraid to change.