Dan and Jana Reid headshot

Dan and Jana Reid

Grounds Guys Owners Since 2012

  • Type of financing used:
  • Self-financed
  • What are your business strengths?
  • Prospecting and sales
  • Describe your work style:
  • Understanding all of the options and then acting
  • What are the top factors that enhance your business success?
  • Recruiting, customer loyalty, technology, marketing, and understanding the competitive landscape

Dan’s Story

Dan Reid had been a small business owner in the landscaping industry when he decided franchise ownership would be a better fit. In 2012, he and his wife Jana opened The Grounds Guys® of the Rogue Valley, serving areas in Oregon that include Azalea, Medford, Roseburg, and Myrtle Creek.

In the early days of franchise ownership, Dan “did a bit of everything,” but now he’s the general manager of his company and has grown his top line sales every year. When he launched, he set out to achieve three main goals: gain more freedom with his time, have a better work environment, and create wealth for his family. Today, Dan says he’s able to accomplish all three.

Dan and Jana Reid

Grounds Guys Owners Since 2012

  • Type of financing used:
  • Self-financed
  • What are your business strengths?
  • Prospecting and sales
  • Describe your work style:
  • Understanding all of the options and then acting
  • What are the top factors that enhance your business success?
  • Recruiting, customer loyalty, technology, marketing, and understanding the competitive landscape
A significant percent of our business comes from recurring work from our existing customer base.

Other Franchise Owner Success Stories

I love the journey I have been on since starting The Grounds Guys. It has been life changing on all levels, and as I look back over the last 10 years of ownership, my dreams then do not even come close to what I have been able to experience.
Jeff Baker
Wichita, Kansas


We have achieved all of our initial business goals.
Ben and Stephanie Schoot
Myrtle Beach, SC