Ben and Stephanie Schoot headshot

Ben and Stephanie Schoot

Grounds Guys Owners Since 2014

  • Type of financing used:
  • Personal loan
  • What are your business strengths?
  • Organization
  • Describe your work style:
  • Driven to win; Inspire and energize the team
  • What are the top factors that enhance your business success?
  • Customer loyalty, home office support, training and development, and lead generation

Ben and Stephanie’s Story

Ben and Stephanie Schoot launched The Grounds Guys® of Myrtle Beach in 2014 after converting an existing business. Stephanie had been working as a pharmacy technician, but she left her job to work alongside Ben full time. Their goal was simple and straightforward: To grow sales. Now, several years later, they’re achieving their business goals.

Ben and Stephanie Schoot

Grounds Guys Owners Since 2014

  • Type of financing used:
  • Personal loan
  • What are your business strengths?
  • Organization
  • Describe your work style:
  • Driven to win; Inspire and energize the team
  • What are the top factors that enhance your business success?
  • Customer loyalty, home office support, training and development, and lead generation
We have achieved all of our initial business goals.

Other Franchise Owner Success Stories

I love the journey I have been on since starting The Grounds Guys. It has been life changing on all levels, and as I look back over the last 10 years of ownership, my dreams then do not even come close to what I have been able to experience.
Jeff Baker
Wichita, Kansas


A significant percent of our business comes from recurring work from our existing customer base.
Dan and Jana Reid
Rogue Valley, OR