Anthony Kulikoski headshot

Anthony Kulikowski

Five Star Painting Owner Since 2017

  • Number of Employees:
  • 8
  • Franchise location:
  • South Bend, Indiana
  • What attracted you to the franchise opportunity?
  • Asking me the questions which made me truly question what I was doing wrong at the time.
  • Best advice?
  • Don’t try to re-invent the wheel, just follow the system and you’ll do well.
  • How have mentors helped you?
  • With small things, like how to deal with painters, and with big things, like how to structure my business and set up processes for my team.
  • What do you look forward to most?
  • Seeing my team succeed and dominating the home services market.
  • Least favorite chore and favorite hobby:
  • Least favorite — mowing the lawn. Favorite — snowboarding.

Anthony’s Story

Anthony Kulikowski has been a painter since high school, working as a contractor just before opening Five Star Painting® in 2017. He learned about becoming a franchise owner through a cold call— which made him realize he wanted a business worth selling one day. His aspirations paid off: Anthony now makes in one month what he once made in one year.

Since becoming a franchise owner, Anthony has enjoyed growing both personally and professionally. He appreciates the networking opportunities that Neighborly® provides with other franchise owners as well as with corporate staff. He loves seeing his team succeed, giving back to the community, and working with his mentors, gathering knowledge he can share with future franchise owners.

Anthony Kulikowski

Five Star Painting Owner Since 2017

  • Number of Employees:
  • 8
  • Franchise location:
  • South Bend, Indiana
  • What attracted you to the franchise opportunity?
  • Asking me the questions which made me truly question what I was doing wrong at the time.
  • Best advice?
  • Don’t try to re-invent the wheel, just follow the system and you’ll do well.
  • How have mentors helped you?
  • With small things, like how to deal with painters, and with big things, like how to structure my business and set up processes for my team.
  • What do you look forward to most?
  • Seeing my team succeed and dominating the home services market.
  • Least favorite chore and favorite hobby:
  • Least favorite — mowing the lawn. Favorite — snowboarding.
We help our community by giving back in many ways, and I enjoy helping other franchise owners with advice that was given to me.