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Beth Hunter

Real Property Management Owner Since 2012

Question Number of employees:
Answer 5
Question Franchise location:
Answer Northeast Atlanta, Georgia
Question Prior career:
Answer Real Estate Sales
Question Financing utilized:
Answer No financing, startup was self-capitalized
Question Most rewarding part of owning a franchise:
Answer The in-depth knowledge I gained from my realtor career helped when I became a Real Property Management franchise owner because I understood how the housing market worked and could better assist my property owner clients in maximizing their rental income and preserving the value of their investment.
Question Why Real Property Management?
Answer Great real estate market and everyone was calling looking for rentals.

Beth’s Story

Beth Hunter had spent much of her career in real estate and sales, but she was ready for the next chapter. In 2012, when economic fundamentals were positive and the real estate market presented strong growth opportunities, Beth decided the time was right to launch into a new business opportunity, and the property management franchising fit the bill. That year, she and her business partner launched their Real Property Management franchise® location.

Beth Hunter

Real Property Management Owner Since 2012

Question Number of employees:
Answer 5
Question Franchise location:
Answer Northeast Atlanta, Georgia
Question Prior career:
Answer Real Estate Sales
Question Financing utilized:
Answer No financing, startup was self-capitalized
Question Most rewarding part of owning a franchise:
Answer The in-depth knowledge I gained from my realtor career helped when I became a Real Property Management franchise owner because I understood how the housing market worked and could better assist my property owner clients in maximizing their rental income and preserving the value of their investment.
Question Why Real Property Management?
Answer Great real estate market and everyone was calling looking for rentals.
Change is difficult, but to be my own boss –it’s just awesome owning my own business.
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