Pat Riley

Pat Riley

Rainbow Restoration Owner Since 2009

  • Number of employees:
  • 19
  • Why franchise ownership?
  • Building a team. Watching them succeed is really motivating for me.
  • Advice for aspiring franchise owners:
  • Success won’t come overnight. It takes a few years to get a business up and running. Immediately build relationships with your neighboring franchisees and share resources.
  • My must read:
  • Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman
  • Least favorite household chore?
  • House cleaning


Pat Riley earned the nickname “the boss” when he was five years old and he’s been living up to it ever since. After working in retail management for 15 years, Pat was ready to start his own franchise and searched for an organization that provided marketing and technical support. Pat did his research and in 2009 he launched Rainbow Restoration of South Central Iowa. In 2020, Pat’s wife joined the team, making his business a family affair.

In building his business, Pat says one of the pillars of success is training and empowering employees so they get the encouragement they need to accomplish their goals. He also says being self-employed has allowed him to demonstrate two life lessons for his children: hard work and perseverance can pay off — and always chase your dreams.

Pat Riley

Rainbow Restoration Owner Since 2009

  • Number of employees:
  • 19
  • Why franchise ownership?
  • Building a team. Watching them succeed is really motivating for me.
  • Advice for aspiring franchise owners:
  • Success won’t come overnight. It takes a few years to get a business up and running. Immediately build relationships with your neighboring franchisees and share resources.
  • My must read:
  • Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman
  • Least favorite household chore?
  • House cleaning
I can call any other franchisee and have a discussion about some of the most discrete parts of my business. They’re willing to talk about this because we aren’t competitors. We’re all on the same team.