Melissa Tommerdahl

Rainbow Restoration Owner Since 2020

  • Number of employees:
  • 7
  • Most rewarding aspect of franchise ownership?
  • Having a network of owners you can brainstorm with, and having access to the backend support and call center leads from corporate.
  • Pay it forward
  • During the pandemic of 2020, our local Crisis Nursery shut down. My crew sanitized the nursery for free, allowing the facility to reopen and create a safe spot for the children to stay.
  • How have you benefitted from the Neighborly® system?
  • I’ve been in the industry for 20 years and the training that Rainbow corporate provides is better than any other training I’ve experienced.
  • Advice for aspiring franchise owners:
  • Do your research and understand the business. Network with fellow franchise owners and learn from their mistakes and successes.
  • What are you most excited about for the future of Neighborly:
  • Having a one-stop-shop for any home service need.
  • Least favorite chores:
  • Cleaning the kitchen


Melissa Tommerdahl had been a long-standing employee of Rainbow Restoration of Minneapolis, but when the franchise owner announced their retirement, she decided to purchase the business and run it herself. In 2011, she took out a small business loan and launched the next step in her two-decade career.

The restoration business can get harried, and when her company gets a surge of business, Melissa says her husband, Greg; daughters Madison and Mackenzie; and her mother all roll up their sleeves to haul equipment and help out. “They enjoy coming in to help people who are quite possibly having one of the worst days of their lives,” she explained.

Melissa Tommerdahl

Rainbow Restoration Owner Since 2020

  • Number of employees:
  • 7
  • Most rewarding aspect of franchise ownership?
  • Having a network of owners you can brainstorm with, and having access to the backend support and call center leads from corporate.
  • Pay it forward
  • During the pandemic of 2020, our local Crisis Nursery shut down. My crew sanitized the nursery for free, allowing the facility to reopen and create a safe spot for the children to stay.
  • How have you benefitted from the Neighborly® system?
  • I’ve been in the industry for 20 years and the training that Rainbow corporate provides is better than any other training I’ve experienced.
  • Advice for aspiring franchise owners:
  • Do your research and understand the business. Network with fellow franchise owners and learn from their mistakes and successes.
  • What are you most excited about for the future of Neighborly:
  • Having a one-stop-shop for any home service need.
  • Least favorite chores:
  • Cleaning the kitchen
The Training Center is hands on and their trainers are the best in the industry.