Wayne and Kim Owczarzak

Wayne and Kim Owczarzak

Mr. Handyman Owners Since 2010

  • Number of employees:
  • 13
  • Market:
  • West Chicago
  • What’s the most rewarding part of owning a franchise?
  • The flexibility it allows and managing our own schedule.
  • Proudest moment in business:
  • When we met a milestone financial goal, that we did not think we could achieve when we first got started.
  • Benefits of being a part of the Neighborly franchise system?
  • The wealth of knowledge from other owners and the resources available from all the Neighborly brands, which helps us better serve our customers.
  • What are you most excited about for the future of your franchise?
  • Meeting our financial goals and retirement
  • Favorite hobby:
  • Golfing and traveling


Wayne and Kim Owczarzak had a mission: to control their financial destiny. So, they met with a franchise consultant who introduced them to prospective brands. When they learned about Mr. Handyman® and the expansive network of Neighborly®, the couple decided to invest and open their own franchise. In 2010, they launched Mr. Handyman of Wheaton-Hinsdale, a new location for the brand in West Chicago.

With flexible schedules and plenty of knowledge sharing among franchise owners, Wayne and Kim found that owning a Mr. Handyman business has indeed helped them control their future – and has brought them several steps closer to their goal of a comfortable retirement.

Wayne and Kim Owczarzak

Mr. Handyman Owners Since 2010

  • Number of employees:
  • 13
  • Market:
  • West Chicago
  • What’s the most rewarding part of owning a franchise?
  • The flexibility it allows and managing our own schedule.
  • Proudest moment in business:
  • When we met a milestone financial goal, that we did not think we could achieve when we first got started.
  • Benefits of being a part of the Neighborly franchise system?
  • The wealth of knowledge from other owners and the resources available from all the Neighborly brands, which helps us better serve our customers.
  • What are you most excited about for the future of your franchise?
  • Meeting our financial goals and retirement
  • Favorite hobby:
  • Golfing and traveling
When you operate one Neighborly brand, there may be future opportunities to operate another one.