Eric Peoples

Eric Peoples

Real Property Management Owners Since 2015

  • Number of employees:
  • 8
  • Advice for prospective franchise owners:
  • Do your due diligence, but understand you’ll never been 100% sure. Set aside enough money for one year to survive without a ‘paycheck.’ And take action!
  • Most rewarding part of owning a franchise:
  • I like having control of my time. I work a lot of hours, but I can arrange those to fit my lifestyle.
  • My must read:
  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley
  • Least favorite household chore?
  • I hate dusting
  • Best advice:
  • If you want to be successful, you have to do the things that others won’t.


Eric Peoples had grown tired of corporate America and working for other people. He wanted to venture out on his own, so when a friend of a friend mentioned franchise ownership, Eric was intrigued. He’d long been a real estate owner, and the idea of property management seemed to present similar income opportunities. So, in 2015 he took out a loan from his retirement account and started his Real Property Management® franchise business in Washington, with offices in Bellevue and Bothell.

Eventually, Eric wants to set up his business to run without the need for him to be there every day. But for now he looks forward to next year when his wife will also change careers and join him at the office, granting the duo greater freedom to capitalize on one of the greatest perks of entrepreneurship: flexibility.

Eric Peoples

Real Property Management Owners Since 2015

  • Number of employees:
  • 8
  • Advice for prospective franchise owners:
  • Do your due diligence, but understand you’ll never been 100% sure. Set aside enough money for one year to survive without a ‘paycheck.’ And take action!
  • Most rewarding part of owning a franchise:
  • I like having control of my time. I work a lot of hours, but I can arrange those to fit my lifestyle.
  • My must read:
  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley
  • Least favorite household chore?
  • I hate dusting
  • Best advice:
  • If you want to be successful, you have to do the things that others won’t.
There are a lot of smart owners in the system and I take every opportunity to learn from them.

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